

Commercial register:
Amtsgericht Hamburg;
Abt. B. Nr. 64651

Board of Management:
Olaf J. Müller
Dr. Holger Rudzio
Zoran Uranjek
Ian Wilson

Sales tax identification number:
DE 811151610 Harburg
Steuer-Nr. 21 22 290 0900 3

Office of the Company:

A member of the POSSEHL-group


Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH

Schlachthofstrasse 22
D-21079 Hamburg

Postfach 90 05 52
D-21045 Hamburg

Tel.: (040) 77 179-0
Fax: (040) 77 179-325

E-Mail: mixing@hf-mixinggroup.com

Concept, Design and Programming

WCG GmbH & Co. KG
Garnisonsring 33
57072 Siegen

Phone:  +49 (0) 271.3135-0
Fax: +49 (0) 271.3135-199
E-mail: info@wcg.de
Internet: www.wcg.de